Unit 1 policies on-line

The Unit 1 Board of Education is implementing a new service making it easier for the public to access district policies.
Unit 1 Superintendent Dr. Kent Bugg recently announced the new on-line board policy link is active and can be accessed through the district’s website at www.coalcityschools.org. The policy manual can be found under the board of education tab located under the district tab on the homepage.
District policies have been posted on-line by district staff, however the prior process of posting to the website didn’t allow for searches or links.
The new service provided by the Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) takes the web posting duties out of the hands of district staff and gives that task to the association. The IASB also hosts the website that provides easy access to the board’s policy manual with quick updates, and the ability to search a topic with words and phrases.