
Service & Repairs

FIREWOOD, Dry, seasoned, hard woods $149, plus delivery. Quick, friendly service. 815-260-0108.
Drywall Man Taping, mudding, hanging and patching drywall. Any size job. Free estimates. Call Jay at 815-260-6932.
A Thousand Words Photography 385 N. Second Ave., Coal City, IL Mandy Eaton 815-791-2913
Mike Collins Roofing, re-shingles and gutter cleaning, aluminum gutter screen, no repair to small or too big. Free roof inspection. Low prices. Lic #104.007296 Ask for Mike at 815-730-1303.

Homes for Rent

Wilmington, 1 BR, stove, refrigerator (courtesy), $850 month. Security deposit, first month’s rent and lease. No smoking, no pets. Utilities not included. 815-931-9537.

Wanted to Buy

Cash paid for fossils for old fossil collections. Call Pat 630-632-9292.